Have you ever been in a situation where just after seeing the question paper you felt blanked out even after reading the entire chapter again and again. you were not able to recollect the answer at the time of exam on the night before a exam you had a panic attack just because you were not prepared and you fell there’s so much still left to study. do you compare how much you have studied with that of your friends and end up feeling tensed. Why there is so much tension, worry and stress when it comes to exam why do wee have that fear of phobia for exam this is very common among students. Friends we always fear the consequence of something will i pass the exam will i able to meet to my parents expectation. what if i fail? Friends please remember exam are not made to fail you. it is just a way to check out our knowledge or skill. If we consider the wages things would be a lot’s simpler this fear or anxiety is all in our brain. A small change in our attitude.Although we will look at it can make a huge difference so through this session let’s look a different situation and see the ways to get rid of this fear. Many students keep things until the last minute they keep saying I’ll do it tomorrow and the sad part is that tomorrow just never comes. The entire syllabus get piled up then you study day and night but it is too much load for your brain when you recollect the things you fail and you panic what can be done in the situation. We already know what is to be done
i) Prepare yourself right from the start fix the timing and study regularly.The next situation is when your friends come and tells you that your teacher announced a class test tomorrow but you were not aware of now keep worrying . The best way to overcome this is to keep yourself update, if you have a missed a class call your friends and take an update avoid negative feeling and self criticism. If you prepared well you will definitely succeed in exam , So there no need to bring negative feelings stay positive and claim other exam near we push ourselves a lot we said to uncongenial study for long time we didn’t eat properly , we don’t take adequate sleep this can result in us getting saturated we feel both physical and mental stress. If you are already feeling weak in first day. How will you do it in the coming days. So it is important to take breaks while studying and relax yourself a bit do some physical activities like playing exercise and even meditation would prove helpful so try it one more thing which we fail to realize is that every individual capacity is different if a friend of mine can finish four chapter in one day but that doesn’t necessarily mean that even I have to finish four chapter. I might be capable of doing only three chapter that is fine don’t refer too many books just because your friends are doing it don’t study anything new at the last minute this will just add up to your confusion , Many students feel dizziness, sweating and nervousness,when they enter the exam hall in such situation close your eyes and do deep breathing you even pray to god just say in mind i can do it. My parer will be easy and will attempt everything will full confidence drink water if you need, relax your body and mind just stay claim and is just in our mind learn to overcome it through positivity. Every time you feel weak and nervous just tell yourself I can overcome this and I will succeed in whatever i am doing
During exam you might come across certain question which are not able to attempt don’t panic in such situation because when you panic you lose your concentration power and decision making abilities so it’s better that we leave the question, attempt the question which you know by doing this you will gain confidence and your mind will become clam and when you attend the same question you will have different approach for solving it. friends just think practically is there any point spending my whole time behind one question which can fetch wages 5 to 10 marks at that time you can attempt many others question and School when in a day subject at the times we fail to recollect some answer and get stuck this is because you have learnt the concept by heart without understanding it. if you have clearly understood a concept or answer you will never feel blanked out during the exam if not the exact word you will surely will able to attend the answer or at least write the main idea in your own words ,So friends hope that you will follow this things and please remember fear is just in our mind learn to overcome it through positivity. Every time you feel weak or nervous just tell yourself I can Overcome this and i Will Succeed in whatever I am doing.
1) Fix the timing and study regularly.
2) On missing a class, call a friend and take an update.
3) Avoid negative feelings and self-criticism.
4) Take breaks while studying and relax.
5) Don’t compare yourself with other.
6) Don’t refer too many books.
7) Relax your body and mind during exam.
8) Focus only on one question at a time.
9) If you are not able to attempt an answer ,don’t panic.
10) Don’t spend too much time on one question.
11) Don’t learn by heart understand the concepts.